- foam gel
- пенный гель
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
gel — aas·vo·gel; aero·gel; afla·gel·lar; al·co·gel; an·gel·et; an·gel·hood; an·gel·ic; an·gel·i·ca; an·gel·i·co; an·gel·i·fy; an·gel·ism; an·gel·ize; an·gel·ol·o·gy; arch·an·gel·i·ca; ar·gel; ba·gel; cho·a·no·fla·gel·li·da; cho·a·no·fla·gel·li·dae;… … English syllables
foam — [fōm] n. [ME fom < OE fam, akin to Ger feim, scum < IE base * (s)poimno , foam > Sans phḗna , L spuma] 1. the whitish mass of bubbles formed on or in liquids by agitation, fermentation, etc. 2. something like foam, as the heavy sweat of… … English World dictionary
Foam (culinary) — Foam has been used in many forms in the history of cooking: for example, whipped cream, meringue, and mousse are all foams. In these cases, the incorporation of air or another gas creates a lighter texture and/or different mouth feel. In recent… … Wikipedia
gel — [jel] n. [< GELATIN] 1. a colloidal form of matter characterized by a jellylike texture, usually formed by cooling a colloidal solution into a solid or semisolid phase: cf. SOL3, FOAM (sense 4) 2. any of various jellylike preparations used to… … English World dictionary
foam — an·ti·foam; de·foam·er; de·foam·ing; foam; foam·er; foam·i·ly; foam·i·ness; foam·ing; Foam·ite; foam·less; Gel·foam; Sty·ro·foam; foam·ing·ly; … English syllables
Fire-retardant gel — (also known as fire blocking gel, fire protection gel, anti fire gel and by a number of trade names) is a liquid concentrate made of absorbent polymers that is sprayed through hoses and designed to protect structures and form firebreaks in… … Wikipedia
hair gel — noun toiletry consisting of an aerosol foam used in hair styling • Syn: ↑mousse, ↑hair mousse • Derivationally related forms: ↑mousse (for: ↑mousse) • Hypernyms: ↑toiletr … Useful english dictionary
Colloid — Milk is an emulsified colloid of liquid butterfat globules dispersed within a water based solution. A colloid is a substance microscopically dispersed evenly throughout another substance.[1] A colloidal system consists of two separate phases: a… … Wikipedia
Bicycle handlebar — Conventional drop handlebars with harlequin cloth tape wrapping … Wikipedia
Spermicide — Background Birth control type Spermicide First use Ancient Failure rates (first year) Perfect use 18% Typical use 29% … Wikipedia
Diaphragm (contraceptive) — Diaphragm 1: bladder, 2: pubic bone, 3: urethra, 4: vagina, 5: uterus, 6: fornix, 7: cervix, 8: diaphragm, 9: rectum Background … Wikipedia